We Put Your Animals First
We Put Your Animals First
We Put Your Animals First
We Put Your Animals First

Practice Tour 


  You can browse our retail area for pet foods and pet accessories. We supply a variety of items for pampered pets.


During a consultation, we need to get a complete history, particularly if your pet is ill.  WE will give your pet a check up.  This includes examining the mouth, eyes, and ears, listening to the heart and lungs, and taking the temperature.


Pictured above is our Xray table and an xray from a dog with hip dysplasia.  The type of machine that we have ia called a Bucky table.  This allows us to position our patient, then move the table to allow us to take an xray.  Xrays are an excellent diagnostic tool because they allow us to visualise both soft tissue and bone.  Using xray, and sometimes special dye, we can detect fractures, arthritis, foreign bodies, bladder/kidney stones, tumours, and many more diseases.  Our new digital xray processor provides reliable, excellent quality images within a matter of seconds.

image of x-ray machine at animal first vets in Kilcullen


We perform ultrasound scans at Animals First.  We mainly use ultrasound to investigate heart disease, abdominal problems, and pregnancy diagnosis. Ultrasound is non-invasive, yet it allows us to visualise and take measurements of the organs.  It can also show tumours that are located within the substance of the liver, spleen, intestines, kidneys, heart, and bladder.


We have a modern surgery suite equipped with a hydraulic tilt table for positioning patients for surgery, gas anaesthetic machine, and an anaesthetic monitor.  During surgery, animals are connected to the anaesthetic machine through a tube that goes into their trachea.  It supplies the animal with oxygen and aneasthetic.  The anaesthetic monitor measures the ECG, heart and respiratory rates, blood pressure, temperature, and oxygen saturation of the blood.